25 charming castles in Spain that will transport you to the Middle Ages


Did you know that it is estimated that there are about 20,000 castles in Spain? In fact, the word “castillo” (castle) is strongly associated with “Castilla” (Castile), a region in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula that played a fundamental role in the history of Spain.

This land of castles and fortresses expanded its domains during the Middle Ages to become one of the most powerful kingdoms on the peninsula. Even the name that Spaniards give to our language, “castellano,” alludes to these medieval fortresses!

There is no doubt that castles played a significant role in these lands, and Spain holds a rich historical heritage in each of their stones. How many conspiracies and medieval battles were plotted within their walls!

Since it’s impossible for me to mention them all, or even a significant portion of them, I’ve decided to make a selection of 25 emblematic castles in Spain. Surely, there are dozens of castles worth visiting that are not on this list, but we can’t cover them all!

Take note and don’t hesitate to visit them if you have the opportunity.

Stunning castles in Spain

1. Alcazar of Segovia

Alcazar of Segovia

© Photo by Armando Reques on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Alcazar of Segovia

This spectacular castle, which makes you feel like the protagonist of a fairy tale, has earned its place among the most beautiful castles in Europe on its own merits.

Its majestic silhouette rises imposingly over the Eresma valley and, along with the iconic Roman aqueduct, is a symbol of the city of Segovia. Its walls have housed no less than twenty-two kings since it was built in the early 12th century.

2. Castillo de la Mota (Medina del Campo, Valladolid)

Castillo de la Mota

© Photo by Arrano on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de la Mota

Built in the 15th century, it was a reference in its time as one of the first castles in Europe to adapt to the use of artillery. But, above all, it has gone down in history as the castle where Queen Juana the Mad (elder sister of Catherine of Aragon, first wife of Henry VIII of England) was held captive for a time.

3. Castillo de Bellver (Palma de Mallorca)

Castillo de Bellver

© Photo by Mario Martí on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Bellver

This castle has the particularity of being the only circular castle in Spain. From here you can enjoy stunning panoramic views that range from the bay to the mountains. In fact, its name in Catalan means “beautiful view”!

4. Castillo de Butron (Gatika, Bizkaia)

Castillo de Butron

© Photo by Santi P. A. on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Butrón

This picturesque castle, built in the Middle Ages, was renovated in the late 19th century, giving it its current appearance. Its beauty has even enchanted Kate Middleton herself, who once stated in a BBC interview that her dream was to get married in such a place.

5. Castillo de Loarre (Huesca)

Castillo de Loarre

© Photo by Juanje on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Loarre

The next on our list is the best-preserved Romanesque castle in Europe. Its uniqueness and good state of preservation have made it the setting for numerous films and documentaries.

6. Castillo de Belmonte (Cuenca)

Castillo de Belmonte

© Photo by El Primer Paso on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Belmonte

This palace-fortress has dignifiedly withstood the test of time and retains its original exterior appearance. It has now been adapted as a museum and hosts various events related to the Middle Ages.

7. Castillo de Coca (Segovia)

Castillo de Coca

© Photo by Joan on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Coca

An impressive example of the Mudejar Gothic style, it stands out for its imposing structure of red brick. Its defensive aspect is combined with exquisite ornamentation, giving it a unique beauty.

8. Castillo de Ampudia (Palencia)

Castillo de Ampudia

© Photo by Tuscasasrurales on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Alcazar de Ampudia

This fortress was in ruins in the 19th century but in the 20th century, after significant restoration, it regained its original splendor. It now houses a collection of art and antiques.

9. Castillo de Manzanares el Real (Madrid)

Castillo de Manzanares el Real

© Photo by Miguel Ossorio on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Manzanares el Real

Located at the foot of the Sierra de Guadarrama, a short distance from Madrid, it is an imposing medieval fortress from the 15th century in excellent condition.

10. Castillo de Peñafiel (Valladolid)

Castillo de Peñafiel

© Photo by el perdido en el entierro on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Peñafiel

This 10th-century castle, situated on a narrow hill, is characterized by its particular elongated shape, 35 meters wide compared to its 210 meters long. Its appearance has earned it the nickname “the ship of Castile“.

11. Castillo de Ponferrada (León)

Castillo de Ponferrada

© Photo by Javier Martín Espartosa on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Ponferrada

This elegant fortress was built by the Templars to protect the Camino de Santiago and is a perfect example of medieval military architecture.

12. Castillo de Peñíscola (Castellón)

Castillo de Peñíscola

© Photo by Giborn_134 on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Peñíscola

Also known as the castle of Pope Luna, for having been the residence of the same during the Western Schism. Its location at the highest point of the city, on a hill that extends into the sea, offers spectacular panoramic views.

13. Castillo de Belalcázar (Córdoba)

Castillo de Belalcázar

© Photo by Giborn_134 on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Belalcázar

This castle stands out for its imposing Homage Tower, which, at 47 meters high, is the tallest in Spain. Unfortunately, despite its impressive exterior appearance, its state of conservation is critical and it is at risk of ruin.

14. Castillo de Olite (Navarra)

Castillo de Olite

© Photo by César Viteri on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Olite

This castle, which was also a royal palace, is emblematic of the ancient kingdom of Navarre and its courtly condition is reflected in its majestic beauty. Its disorderly appearance, caused by numerous renovations and extensions, is part of its charm. The building underwent a thorough restoration aimed at recovering its original appearance, which has not yet been completed. Nevertheless, the interior decoration and its gardens were lost forever.

15. Castillo de Monterrei (Verín, Ourense)

Castillo de Monterrei

© Photo by Leticia Pérez on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Monterrei

We continue this overview of castles in Spain with one that brings very special memories to me, as it’s located in the village of my maternal grandparents. Going up to Monterrei was one of the adventures I enjoyed the most with my cousins and my sister when we were little!

The castle is located atop a hill and its presence dominates the entire Támega valley. Its state of preservation is so good that it currently serves as accommodation.

16. Castillo de Almodóvar (Córdoba)

Castillo de Almodóvar

© Photo by Juanje Orío on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Almodóvar del Río

This Andalusian fortress of Arab origin combines Islamic, Gothic, and Renaissance elements. Its presence imposes from a distance and its morphology and excellent state of preservation made it the setting for the series Game of Thrones.

17. Alcazaba de Almería.

Alcazaba de Almería

© Photo by Alvaro Tapia on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Alcazar of Segovia

With almost a thousand years of history, it is one of the main Andalusian archaeological complexes. Built during the Arab domination of the peninsula, it consists of an extensive structure of walls that constitute a closed perimeter of more than 1400 meters. After the Alhambra, it is the largest Muslim construction in Spain.

18. Castillo de Santa Florentina (Canet de Mar, Barcelona)

Castillo de Santa Florentina

© Photo by Enric on Wikimedia Commons // 25 castles in Spain: Castell de Santa Florentina

Originally, it was a Roman villa that was converted into a fortified house in the 11th century to prevent pirate attacks. At the end of the 19th century, it was restored and modernist elements were incorporated, giving it its particular charm.

19. Castillo de Gormaz (Soria)

Castillo de Gormaz

© Phot Miguel Ángel García on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Gormaz

Built during the Caliphate of Córdoba, it became at one time the largest fortress in Europe, with a perimeter of 1200 meters and 28 towers. Due to its strategic location, it played a key role in the defense of Muslim territories against Christians.

20. Castillo de Calahorra (Granada)

Castillo de Calahorra

© Photo by Stephane on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Calahorra

This original building was the first Renaissance construction on the Iberian Peninsula. Its austere exterior military appearance contrasts with the beauty of the interior, more typical of a palace.

21. Castillo de Alquezar (Huesca)

Castillo de Alquezar

© Photo by Daniel Gata on Wikimedia Commons // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Alquezar

This castle-collegiate is located atop a cliff and dominates the panoramic view of one of the most beautiful villages in Aragon. Originally a Muslim fortress, Christian elements were later added until it acquired its curious current appearance.

22. Castillo de Frías (Burgos)

Castillo de Frías

© Photo by Joan on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Frías

It is considered one of the most spectacular rocky castles in Castile. This fortress has a very particular feature: its homage tower is located on a rock separated from the rest of the building.

23. Castillo de Burgalimar (Baños de la Encina, Jaén)

Castillo de Burgalimar

© Photo by Ilmarel on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Burgalimar

This castle of Almohad origin is also considered the oldest in Spain. Built in the 10th century, it remains in an extraordinary state of preservation since, despite the time elapsed, it has hardly suffered any damage.

It is also known as the castle of the seven kings, as it was the residence of that number of monarchs. The almost total absence of doors and windows highlights its imposing and impregnable appearance.

24. Castillo de Montealegre (Valladolid)

Castillo de Montealegre

© Photo by Fotos con mis FJR on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Montealegre

This impressive 14th-century castle was built in the context of disputes between the kingdom of León and Castile, and its appearance leaves no doubt about its predominantly defensive character. In fact, its imposing walls and towers were never conquered by arms and earned it the reputation of an impregnable fortress.

25. Castillo de Olvera (Cádiz)

Castillo de Olvera

© Photo by Fernando del Marco on Flickr // 25 castles in Spain: Castillo de Olvera

Built in the 12th century on a steep rock, it was part of the defensive system of the Nasrid kingdom of Granada. Once taken by the Christians, it underwent several remodeling projects that modified its original appearance.

Here concludes this tour of 25 charming castles in Spain, witnesses of a fascinating era whose echoes can still be heard through their walls. But there are many castles that do not appear on this list, scattered throughout the Spanish geography. What is your favorite? (I already have mine, guess it! 😁)

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